Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi (Dec 2016)
Pemanfaatan Database EBSCO dan ProQuest sebagai Rujukan Penyusunan Tesis dan Disertasi bagi Mahasiswa Program Magister Sains dan Doktor Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM: Analisis Sitiran Jurnal Ilmiah
This study aims to examine the utilization of e-journals in EBSCO database "Business Source Complete" and ProQuest "ABI / INFORM Collection" as the citation in the writing of theses and dissertations by the students of Master of Science and Doctor of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014-2015. This quantitative descriptive study used documentation method for data collection. Data analysis used frequency tabulation and percentage calculation of Kerlinger's formulas. The results showed that the availability of journals in the EBSCO database for the preparation of theses and dissertations was higher than in ProQuest. The degree of duplication of availability of journals both in EBSCO and ProQuest for the preparation of theses and dissertations of all majors was 24.88% and 27.81% respectively. Journals published between 2001-2010 was more highly utilized. Overall the utilization of these two databases was low.