Majalah Kedokteran Bandung (Jun 2010)
Respons Insulin Like Growth Factor-I Pascalatihan Fisik Sebagai Indikator Peningkatan Densitas Tulang pada Wanita Lanjut Usia
Physical exercise is an effort for preventing osteoporosis in the elderly women. However, some indicators for effective, efficient, and safe physical exercises for increasing bone density in the elderly women in Indonesia are still questioning. The main purpose of research was to identify the response's correlation of IGF-I post-exercise progressive resistance exercise (PRE) and osteoporosis prevention exercise (SPO) on bone density. The experiment with pre-test and post-test design has been done for 16 weeks on April-July 2005. The subjects of this research were 18 elderly women in Ciwaruga Health Community Center (Puskesmas) that met some inclusion criteria (55-65 years old, health, and do not consume medicines which have bad effects to bone density). The multiple regression test used as statistical analysis to identify the correlation of acute and chronic responses of IGF-I on bone density. The multiple regression analysis of acute and chronic responses of IGF-1 on bone density on PRE and SPO group showed a deflection point of bone density as much as 0.88 and 0.83g/cm2 (p= 0.000). The regression model of bone density on PRE group=0.239 - 0.0005 acute response + 0.00006 chronic response (p< 0.05). The regression model on SPO:Bone density= 0.158 - 0.0002 acute response + 0.00009 chronic response (p< 0.05). Conclusion: the safe indicator for initial bone density before doing PRE and SPO exercises are 0.88 g/cm2 and 0.83 g/cm2 respectively. Therefore, PRE is relatively more effective and efficient than SPO because PRE has high exercise intensity that can increase bone density in short duration than SPO.