Caradde (May 2021)

Perancangan Tugas Pemecahan Masalah tentang Covid-19 untuk Guru Matematika SMP

  • Tatag Yuli Siswono,
  • Endah Budi Rahaju,
  • Pradnyo Wijayanti,
  • Sugi Hartono

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 474 – 480


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Abstrak: Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan bekal kemampuan guru dalam membuat tugas pemecahan masalah dengan konteks Covid-19 dan penilaiannya, serta implementasinya dengan pembelajaran daring dengan bantuan aplikasi GoogleClassroom. Kegiatan diikuti 31 guru Matematika SMP Kabupaten Sidoarjo meliputi tiga tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan tindak lanjut kegiatan. Kegiatan diawali dengan pemberian uji awal berupa pertanyaan terbuka untuk identifikasi awal peserta, dan uji pasca pelatihan, serta angket refleksi kegiatan. Analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa diakhir kegiatan peserta memiliki kemampuan dalam memahami masalah, tugas pemecahan masalah, penilaian pemecahan masalah, dan tugas membuat tugas pemecahan masalah konteks Covid-19, serta mengimplemntasikan dalam pembelajaran daring melalui GoogleClassroom. Pendapat peserta secara umum bermanfaat dan dapat dilanjutkan pada tahun berikutnya. Abstract. This training activity aims to provide teachers with the ability to make assignments of mathematical problems solving in the context of Covid-19 and its assessments, and to implement them in on-line learning with the Google Classroom application. The activity was attended by 31 Junior High School Mathematics teachers in Sidoarjo Regency including three stages, namely preparation, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of activities. The activity begins with presenting a pre-test in the form of open-ended questions to answer participants' initial, and post-training tests, as well as activity reflections. The analysis was carried out descriptively showing that at the end of the activity the participants had the ability to understand mathematical problem, tasks of problem solving, assessment of mathematical problem solving in the context of Covid-19, as well as implementing learning through Google Classroom. General opinion of participants point out that this activities are useful and could be continue the next year
