BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Criteria of ecological plasticity, stability, and adaptability of potato varieties based on yield
The influence of the physiological and biochemical parameters of the leaves of 12 potato varieties on the formation, plasticity, and stability of the potato crop has been studied. The experiments were carried out on the territory of the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture – branch of the SamSRC RAS (53°03’ N, 49°25’ E) in the period 2019-2022. Average potato yields varied in the range of 14.2-25.7 t/ha. The highest yield was the first planting year. With an increase in the duration of reproduction, yield losses ranged from 25 to 50% due to a decrease in the mass of tubers. The coefficient of variation in yield varied in the range of 24-60% depending on the genotype. Criteria of ecological plasticity and stability of potato of different genetic origin are such indicators as leaf dryness or its hydration, the content of phenolic compounds in the leaves, the content of lipid oxidation products, and the state of the membranes. The amplitudes of variation of leaf indicators can serve as a measure of plasticity. Adaptive capacity is related to the content of proline, the ratio of membrane lipids and proteins, and the number of stomata.