Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2020)
The article proposes a method of considering the evolution of the musical phenomenon in the course of the discipline “History of Ukrainian culture”. The aim of the article is to illustrate the evolution of Ukrainian musical folklore on the example of the cross-cutting line of the course “History of Ukrainian Culture”: epics – thoughts – Cossack’s songs kobzarism – bandura – revival. Task: to track the proposed material during the following topics: General characteristics of the art of Kiever Rus` (such as architecture, chronicles, music, painting and theater); the emergence of the Cossack’s and their significance for the development of Ukrainian culture; development of the historical self-consciousness; the influence of realism on the development of Ukrainian art (literature, theater, music, painting); tradition and “modernism” in Ukrainian culture of the late XIX–early XX centuries. The relevance of the development topic is to improve the program conditions of the course. The main method of work is based on the analysis of each of the folklore’s phenomenon evolution stages, synthesis of information from different stages for drawing up of the general 3 Duxovni nastavnyky narodu: kobzarstvo v Ukrayini : bibliografichnyj narys [Spiritual mentors of the people: kobzarism in Ukraine: bibli- ographic essay], Kyiv, 2015, P. 41–43 [in Ukrainian]. 4 Chajka S. V. “Kobzarstvo – diyevyj chynnyk zberezhennya tradycij duchovnogo zhyttya naciyi” [Kobzarism is an effective factor in preserving the traditions of the nation's spiritual life], Pedagogichna osvita: teoriya i praktyka [Pedagogical education: theory and practic- e] 2012, Vyp. 12, P. 442 [in Ukrainian]. 5 Cheremskyj K. Povernennya tradycij. Z istoriyi nyshhennya kobzarstva [Return of traditions. From the history of the destruction of kob- zarism], Charkiv : Centr L. Kurbasa, 1999, 288 p. [in Ukrainian]. 95 Moysey A., Furdychko A. Evolution of the musical events in the course discipline “History of Ukrainian culture”... evolutionary line. Conclusions. Following the method of explaining the causal links in the development of the folklore’s phenomenon of Ukrainian epic song, it is possible to form the actual plan of the course discipline “History of Ukrainian Culture”, an understanding of the evolutionary patterns of this process. This will guide students to meticulous consideration of each folk musical phenomenon and developing an analytical approach to cultural phenomena, help in creating of the smart professional competence.