Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: История. Международные отношения (Aug 2023)
Ideology and practice of the anti-Bolshevik “Peasant War” of 1921 in the Saratov Volga region
The article is devoted to the mass resistance of the peasants of the Saratov Volga region in 1921 to the policy of “war communism” of the Bolshevik government. It acquired an armed character and was accompanied both by the fighting of spontaneously formed detachments moving across the territory of the region and occupying certain localities and settlements, and by the general resistance of the peasants of virtually every village to the prodrazverstka measures. The war was brutal, accompanied by mass violence and the destruction of representatives of the opposing side. The author examines specific program documents of the peasant resistance, revealing their ideological roots in the SocialistRevolutionary theoretical principles.