Терапевтический архив (Feb 2011)

Metabolic correctors based on siccine acid as pathogenic therapy in chronic virus hepatitis

  • Viktoriya Valer'evna Stel'makh,
  • Valeriy Grigor'evich Radchenko,
  • Viktor Konstantinovich Kozlov,
  • V V Stelmakh,
  • V G Radchenko,
  • V K Kozlov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 83, no. 2
pp. 67 – 71


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Chronic viral hepatitides (CVH) run with long-term activation of the system of mononuclear phagocytes associated with hyperproduction of active oxygen forms. This can be considered as risk factors of antioxidant insufficiency which determines the course of the disease. Now, antioxidant, cytoprotective medicines are more and more actively used in hepatology. The results are reviewed of many Russian clinical trials of efficacy of metabolic correctors based on siccine acid (reamberin, remaxol) as pathogenetic treatment in CVH. Metabolic correctors in combined treatment of CVH improve basic clinicolaboratory indices, raise efficacy of basic therapy, correct insufficiency of antioxidant defense. The results of the studies confirm advantage of antihypoxic medication over standard infusion therapy for treatment of CVH patients.
