臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2013)

透過社會運動學習:萬華社區大學講師陳情行動歷程之框架理論分析 Learning Through Social Movement: A Study of the Application of Framing Theory in a Petition Process Initiated by Instructors of Wanhua Community College

  • 徐敏雄 Min-Hsiung Hsu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
pp. 87 – 126


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本研究採質性研究方法,順著萬華社區大學(後稱社大)講師陳情行動進程,釐清講師們如何透過框架理論操作持續賦予教育局負面評鑑結果另類新意,並藉由擬訂因應策略喚起參與動機,抗議教育局評鑑不公,爭取程序正義。研究發現,社大講師參與陳情行動的主因並非公共理由,而是教育局的污名化評鑑結果與其正向認同與情感落差過大;加上教育局撤銷或接管社大耳語不斷,他校支持者又將社大運作機制結構性問題搬上檯面,更讓講師認定此事出於教育局不公,進而激發其不滿情緒和參與動力。此外,本研究也發現陳情行動的參與,不僅能讓講師對社大結構性問題有更多理解,也形塑了「社大講師」與「公民」的自我認同和角色能力,進而朝著「知識解放」及「邁向公民社會」理想前進。 The purpose of this study was to investigate how instructors at Wanhua Community College used the “framing theory” to transfer negative evaluations into alternative ideas, and to explore how they developed coping strategies to arouse motivation to participate in protests against unfair evaluations from the Education Bureau, and to fight for procedural justice. The study employed qualitative research methods, including unstructured interviews, a research journal, and content analysis. The results showed that the instructors did not participate in the petition action primarily on public grounds, but rather because of the excessive discrepancy between the Education Bureau’s stigmatizing evaluation result, and their positive identity and emotions. Participation in the petition action not only allowed instructors to understand the structural problems of the community college, but also shaped the construction of their identities as “community college instructors” and “citizens.” It also advanced the realization of the community college ideals of “liberating knowledge and building civil society.”
