The Pan African Medical Journal (Aug 2019)
Paratesticular liposarcoma: a case report
Paratesticular liposarcomas (PLS) are a very uncommon pathology type of paratesticular sarcomas, with less 200 similar cases reported to date in the English literature. There are a few cases regarding giant paratesticular liposarcoma measuring over 10cm. We present an unusual case with a giant Well differentiated PLS of the left testis extended to the pelvic cavity. We report the case of a 55-year-old man who presented with large left groin mass. The patient underwent left orchiectomy following a cure of a scrotal hernia. Histological and immunohistochemical findings were suggestive of a well-differentiated liposarcoma of spermatic cord. The surgical margins were positive. Metastatic work-up, which included CT of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, did not reveal any distant metastasis in thorax but there is a left pathological external iliac lymph nodes and a left lateroplevic lipomatous mass extended to the iliac fossa and left parietocolic gutter up to the umbilicus measuring 15x7x17 cm. Our patient refused treatment. A review of the literature revealed that there is a fiewer cases of giant well differentiated paratesticular liposarcoma extended to the pelvic cavity were reported. This study focuses on the clinical characteristics and treatment of this rare type of tumours.