Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Sep 2018)
Questionner la médiation ludoéducative au sein d’un espace ludoéduquant
We propose to question the place human mediation should take in the context of language teaching-learning through the use video games, more especially that of learning video games. When designers or teachers take hold of the notion of “playing” (it being too often confined to the sphere of leisure) in order to blend it into the school context, conflicting representations emerge in the mind of the different actors involved. Mediation on the part of not only the designers but also the teachers thus proves to be necessary. We shall name it “edutainment mediation”, as it endeavours both to retain the idea of playing while carrying its pedagogical message home.In order to illustrate the need for edutainment mediation in the school context, we will present elements of a study highlighting the representations of learners confronted with a game-based learning environment. We will then suggest a game-based model for language teaching and learning that could develop an optimal learning experience for the learner-player, thanks to edutainment mediation.