Aisthesis (Jul 2021)
Distance: Closeness/Remoteness in Kim Boske’s Photographs
The work Moving Flowers #1 by the internationally known Dutch artist Kim Boske (born in 1978) was published in the first cover series HOU VOL (“Keep Faith”) of the periodical Het Parool on 30 May 2020. Following the aim of the newspaper to help cope with the disastrous consequences of COVID-19, the artist focused on how our perceptions had changed during the pandemic. If previously the content (or what is being represented) was the element that dominated in photography, then during the pandemic, the representational harmony of the content was replaced by the structural features or the way how something is being represented. The article aims to reflect on the artworks created by Boske in 2020 and to show the circulation of ideas contained in them, and with this case study to highlight more general trends in the recent art photography.