Curationis (Sep 1984)
Professionele vorming van die studentverpleegkundige
The student nurse must be shaped into a true professional practitioner. This is a continuous process which has its roots in the person’s experiences which led her to join the nursing profession. Professionalization of the student nurse includes three essential elements. The first important aspect is that she must attain professional nursing expertise as this is a prerequisite of professional status. This includes a strong knowledge base and vocational proficiency. Secondly, she must develop into a good leader. Leadership can be nurtured by requiring independent work through group discussions and by allowing students to manage and control their own affairs in the nurses’ residence. Finally the professional nurse should have a well-rounded personality characterised by integration, an own identity and self-discipline. Here nursing role models are very important and the student should be provided with opportunities to share her opinions and to use her own initiative.