Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides (Mar 2005)
Le développement des biocarburants en France : une analyse de la compétition entre colza ester et colza alimentaire à l’horizon 2010
Following the EU directives which aim at developing biofuels up to 5.75% of the total fuels used for terrestrial transportation purposes, the French government has announced that a supplementary 800 000 tons’ agreement of biofuels will be produced by 2007. Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME, mixed with diesel oil) will then be produced up to nearly 1 Million tons. Particular emphasis is dedicated in this article to the competition between food and energy rapeseed. Thanks to a linear programming model, insights can be given about the evolutions between the different rapeseed areas. Four different scenarios are developed in order to enlighten some aspects of this competition.