Salud UIS (Aug 2011)
Efecto de tres modalidades de crioterapia sobre la temperatura de la piel durante las fases de enfriamiento y recalentamiento Effects of three cold modalities on skin temperature during the cooling and rewarming phases
Introducción: La crioterapia es útil en el manejo de las lesiones músculo esqueléticas, debido a los efectos derivados del enfriamiento tisular, sin embargo, pocos estudios han evaluado la efectividad de distintas modalidades de crioterapia para mantener el enfriamiento después de la aplicación y los efectos de la actividad post-enfriamiento sobre la recuperación de la temperatura. Objetivo: Comparar los efectos de tres modalidades de crioterapia y de la actividad post-enfriamiento, sobre la recuperación de la temperatura de la piel. Métodos: Estudio experimental con 36 sujetos sanos aleatorizados en tres grupos: paquete de hielo, inmersión en agua helada o criomasaje. Las modalidades se aplicaron por 15min en la pantorrilla. Posteriormente, cada grupo se subdividió aleatoriamente en reposo o marcha seguida de reposo. Para el análisis se aplicaron t de student apareda y ANOVA de mediciones repetidas (α=0,05). Resultados: Las tres modalidades disminuyeron la temperatura de la piel, con un efecto mayor causado por el criomasaje (-27,6°C). Durante el recalentamiento los tres grupos aumentaron la temperatura, independientemente de la actividad post-enfriamiento (pIntroduction: Cryotherapy is useful in the management of muscle-skeletal injuries, due to the effects of tissue cooling; however, few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of diferents forms of cryotherapy to maintain cooling after application and the effects of post-cooling activity on the recovery on the skin temperature. Objectives: To compare the effects of three modalities of cryotherapy on the skin temperature (ST) and its variation during the rewarming, under two different activities. Methods: An experimental study with 36 subjects randomly allocated to either three groups: crushed ice pack (CI), massage with ice (MI) or ice-water immersion (WI), these modalities were applied for 15min in the calf. Subsequently each group was subdivided randomly in: rest or gait followed by rest. For the analysis a paired Student's t test and ANOVA for repeated measurements were applied with α=0.05. Results: The three modalities decreased skin temperature, with a greater effect caused by MI (-27.6°C). During rewarming the three groups increased temperature, regardless the activity post-cooling (P <0.0001). The ST recovery was minor in the WI group. Only the group that received CI and the rewarming was walking followed by rest, reached the initial ST. Conclusions: The three modalities decreased skin temperature but the MI showed the greatest cooling on ST, however the WI maintained by major time this decreasing during the rewarming without influence of activity. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2): 119-129