A novel protocol for occlusal splint adjustment to treat TMD in sleep bruxism
INTRODUCTION: Sleep bruxism (SB) is a stereotypical movement disorder that is characterized by rhythmic masticatory muscle activity associated with tooth grinding and occasional jaw clenching. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the relief time for temporomandibular disorders (TMD), cervical and otological signs and symptoms in patients with BS treated with occlusal splints (OS) for a period of 180 days. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty patients, between ages 22 and 53 years old, presenting SB and TMD, including cervical and otological symptoms, were enrolled in this study. The patient’s treatment protocol consisted of using the OS applying a novel adjustment protocol. The total follow-up period was 180 days. The paired Student t-test was used to compare before and after long-term OS treatment. RESULTS: For all variables, the results were statistically significant (p < 0.001). As to the TMD symptoms, in most patients the relief of pain in masseter, temporalis, cervical and TMDs occurred in the 3rd month. Twenty percent of the patients were aware of clenching teeth while awake and reported that this parafunction decreased by the end of 6 months, and 90% reported an improvement in sleep quality as well. CONCLUSION: The use of an OS with a novel adjustment protocol was an effective treatment for TMD sign and symptoms in patients with SB.