Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem ()

Repercussions of imprisonment for conjugal violence: discourses of men

  • Anderson Reis de Sousa,
  • Álvaro Pereira,
  • Gilvânia Patrícia do Nascimento Paixão,
  • Nadirlene Gomes Pereira,
  • Luana Moura Campos,
  • Telmara Menezes Couto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 0


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ABSTRACT Objective: to know the consequences that men experience related to incarceration by conjugal violence. Methods: qualitative study on 20 men in jail and indicted in criminal processes related to conjugal violence in a Court specialized in Family and Domestic Violence against women. The interviews were classified based on Collective Subject Discourse method, using NVIVO(r) software. Results: the collective discourse shows that the experience of preventive imprisonment starts a process of family dismantling, social stigma, financial hardship and psycho-emotional symptoms such as phobia, depression, hypertension, and headaches. Conclusion: due to the physical, mental and social consequences of the conjugal violence-related imprisonment experience, it is urgent to look carefully into the somatization process as well as to the prevention strategies regarding this process.
