Sociologie Românească (Dec 2013)
Le modèle étiologique d’homicide
This paper presents the results of investigations carried out during the period September 2012-February 2013, on a group of 184 persons definitively convicted to the execution of custodial sentences for crimes of murder, in the Maximum Security Penitentiary of Craiova. Our goal is to analyze, from a socio criminological point of view, the aetiology of murder crimes and the research questions involve the chronological type of approach to the aggressors' life in relation to family environment, school environment, group of friends, criminal history and context of the offense. It also presents features of the relationship between aggressor and victim, analyzed according to the theory of the transition to the act, forwarded by Étienne De Greef. In order to obtain relevant information, we used the sociological survey, analysis of social documents, interview and observation. The results obtained using these research methods, the statistical techniques and procedures are complemented by case studies, of which, in this paper, are presented excerpts from the theoretical elements which reveal the ecological model of violence, risk factors associated to delinquent behaviour or delinquency a life choice. Our investigations were carried out within a larger research project, which included lots of people who have committed crimes of murder, rape and robbery. The results are presented in the thesis entitled Violent crime in Romania. Evaluation, aetiology and social prevention and can be used to develop national strategies for the prevention of violent crime.