Background: Conservation of species diversity is the need of the hour for preserving life forms on Earth. Extinction of any part of the ecosystem has negative impacts on many processes and systems. The objective of this work was to analyze some biochemical and molecular indicators and their correlations to biogenic elements and heavy metals in Testudo hermanni (n = 16). Methods: Biochemical parameters were analyzed using the commercial kit DiaSys and biochemical analyzer Randox RX Monza. Sodium, potassium, and chlorides were measured using the EasyLite analyzer. Oxidative stress was evaluated using colorimetric and luminometric methods. Quantification of chemical elements in the blood was carried out using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPS). Results: Biochemical values of analyzed samples from Hermann’s tortoises were almost the same as referential values described by multiple authors, with minor aberrations in the total protein parameter. Values of arsenic (As) and nickel (Ni) showed correlation with biochemical parameters and the parameters of oxidative stress. Cadmium (Cd) exhibited correlation with aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Conclusions: This study reports correlations among four heavy metals, and their levels were again correlated with biochemical and molecular parameters in Hermann’s tortoises.