Pharmacia (Aug 2022)

Binary or ternary mixture of solid dispersion: Meloxicam case

  • Ghaidaa Sulaiman Hameed,
  • Masar Basim Mohsin Mohamed,
  • Mohanad Naji Sahib

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 69, no. 3
pp. 801 – 808


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The present work was carried out to assess the value of adding water insoluble polymer to meloxicam amorphous solid formulation (ASD). Meloxicam was mixed with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (1:1 ratio) as a binary mixture and with PVP and ethyl cellulose (1:1:1 ratio) as a ternary mixture. Solvent evaporation method was used to prepare ASD formulations. The differential scanning calorimetry, powder X-Ray diffraction, Cambridge Structural Database and in-vitro dissolution were performed to assess the formulas. The results showed that the addition of insoluble polymer could prevent the recrystallization process during ASD formation. However, the binary mixture showed higher drug release percentage than the ternary mixture. Therefore, a rational amount of insoluble polymer could be considered to control recrystallization and manipulate drug release from ASD formulations.