PLoS ONE (Jan 2013)

Electrophysiological correlation of the degree of self-reference effect.

  • Wei Fan,
  • Jie Chen,
  • Xiao-Yan Wang,
  • Ronghua Cai,
  • Qianbao Tan,
  • Yun Chen,
  • Qingsong Yang,
  • Shanming Zhang,
  • Yun Wu,
  • Zilu Yang,
  • Xi-Ai Wang,
  • Yiping Zhong

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 12
p. e80289


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The present study investigated neural correlations underlying the psychological processing of stimuli with various degrees of self-relevance. Event-related potentials were recorded for names that differ in their extent of relevance to the study participant. Participants performed a three-stimulus oddball task. ERP results showed larger P2 averaged amplitudes for highly self-relevant names than for moderately self-relevant, minimally self-relevant, and non-self-relevant names. N2 averaged amplitudes were larger for the highly self-relevant names than for the moderately self-relevant, minimally self-relevant, and non-self-relevant names. Highly self-relevant names elicited larger P3 averaged amplitudes than the moderately self-relevant names which, in turn, had larger P3 values than for minimally self-relevant names. Minimally self-relevant stimuli elicited larger P3 averaged amplitudes than non-self-relevant stimuli. These results demonstrate a degree effect of self-reference, which was indexed using electrophysiological activity.