Politeja (Sep 2014)

Stratyfikacja etnospołeczna w Azji Centralnej i jej wyzwania dla etnopolityki (na przykładzie Kazachstanu)

  • Andrzej Wierzbicki

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 5 (31/1)


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Ethnosocial Stratification in Central Asia and its Challenges for Ethnopolitics (the Case of Kazakhstan) The article concerns different dimensions and criteria of ethnosocial stratification in Central Asia and its influence on ethnopolitics, concentrating on case Kazakhstan. The author considers theoretical aspects of the problem and pays attention to circumstances of forming ethno-social stratification and ethnic division of work. He tries to explain the principles of The Doctrine of The National Unity of Kazakhstan. Especially he pays attention to ethnic and sub‑ethnic division of work in authorities and state administration. He concentrates on factors and criteria of ethnic and sub-ethnic division of work. Author of the article underlines that ethno-social stratification can disturb of creation of nation of Kazakhstan as a civil community which is the aim of the state authorities.
