American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports (Mar 2023)
Needle aspiration for management of acute intraoperative fluid misdirection during phacoemulsification
Purpose: Acute intraoperative fluid misdirection is a serious complication that may occur during phacoemulsification. We provide a detailed description and a video of our preferred technique for prompt management of acute intraoperative fluid misdirection. Observations: A 79-year-old male developed sudden shallowing of the anterior chamber and marked elevation of intraocular pressure at hydrodissection during phacoemulsification surgery. Treatment consisted of a needle aspiration of trapped fluid from the retrolental space, employing a 5/8th inch, 25-gauge needle on a medium-size syringe leading to immediate softening of the globe and deepening of the anterior chamber. The rest of the case proceeded uneventfully. The patient had uncomplicated recovery and final best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20. Conclusions and importance: Acute subcapsular infusion fluid entrapment may occur during uneventful phacoemulsification. Needle aspiration of retrolental fluid is a simple and inexpensive method for immediate resolution of high IOP and deepening of the anterior chamber, allowing the case to proceed.