Bolʹ, Sustavy, Pozvonočnik (Jun 2023)
Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in adults: Ukrainian experts consensus statement
Background. Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is widespread in the world; its proportion varies considerably in different populations and depends on many causes. Up to now, there were no National recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of VDD in adults in Ukraine. Their creation became the purpose of this work. Methodology. Consensus was created using the Delphi method, voting was conducted using the SurveyMonkey® platform. After approval of the composition of the Consensus Group, agreement on the order of formation and structure of the Consensus, creation and correction of the main statements, and two voting rounds, the main Consensus statements were formed and were successfully voted on. The 15 authors of the article are 15 experts who participated in the voting. The final 14 Consensus statements are presented in this article. Each statement is preceded by a justification based on high-quality evidence available in the current literature. Results. Despite the reduction of VDD in the Ukrainian population in recent years, experts have recommended increasing the awareness of the medical community and the Ukrainian population about the problem and ways to overcome it, with a screening of the total serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) in subjects from the groups of risk to achieve the target concentration of 30–50 ng/ml (75–125 nmol/l). To ensure it, we recommend the individual selection of a prophylactic dose of vitamin D (800–2000 IU/d for young healthy persons and 3000–5000 IU/d for patients with diseases and conditions that affect the metabolism of vitamin D). For the treatment of VDD, we recommend short-term intake of higher doses (4000–10,000 IU/d) of vitamin D with control of the 25(OH)D level after 4–12 weeks of treatment and subsequent use of maintenance doses. Also, we recommend the determination of serum 25(OH)D level before the initiation of antiosteoporotic therapy in patients with osteoporosis and its complications to prevent its ineffectiveness and increase the safety profile.