Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Jan 1988)

Prediction of the Sum of the Unerupted Maxillary Canine and Premolar Widths According to Different Methods

  • Hüsamettin Oktay,
  • Abdülvahit Erdem,
  • Ümit Gazilerli

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 7 – 14


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In this article, four prediction methods, Staley-Hoag, Moyers, Gazilerli, Tanaka-Johnston, estimating the sum of the unerupted maxillary canine and premolar widths were studied on the measurement of periapical films and orthodontic casts of 16 males and 34 females. Paired t values between the sums of the actual and estimated widths of the canines and premolars were found statistically insignificant in Gazilerli's method and Staley-Hoag's eight formulas, and were found statistically significant in the others. It has been concluded that the use of the prediction methods in which t values are significant may cause important clinical problems.
