Griseldaonline (Dec 2021)
Petrarca on-line
Petrarca on-line (is the first digital platform dedicated to the life and work of Francesco Petrarca, structured as a bilingual (Italian and English) open access site of resources deriving from the research of the various research units in the fields of ecdotics, philology, codicology-palaeography, literary criticism, history and the history of art. Users will be able to find, search and cross-reference the following sections and subsections: 1. Works: the complete corpus of writings in vernacular and Latin by P. in critically revised, codified, searchable texts, and the list, description and reproduction of the manuscripts that contain each work; 2. Library: census and description of all the volumes of classical or medieval works consulted by P. which have come down to us directly or indirectly (annotated autographs or apographs), with bibliography and reproductions of each manuscript; 3. Chronology: P.’s life events and works described year by year, timeline, bibliography, maps, references to other sections, images; 4. Resources: a) general bibliography; b) historical biographies of P. (c. 14th-15th), with encoding of the texts and census of their manuscript and printed tradition; c) iconography; d) materials and tools, for example including Pdfs of fundamental texts in the history of Petrarchan studies; 5. Thematic areas: elements and forms of P.'s first reception and centuries-long popularity in Italy and Europe; 6. Reporting of the main events, publishing news and links to the internet resources connected with the project, which can be carried out by the users themselves through the creation of a mailing list.