Central Asian Journal of Global Health (Jan 2019)

Knowledge and Perception of Diabetes and Available Services among Diabetic Patients in the State of Qatar

  • Al-Anoud Al-Thani,
  • Aiman Farghaly,
  • Hammad Akram,
  • ShamsEldin Khalifa,
  • Benjamin Vinodson,
  • Alma Loares,
  • Abdul-Badi Abou-Samra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1


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Introduction: Diabetes is a major public health concern in Qatar. This study examined diabetes knowledge and perception of available services for diabetes control among diabetic patients in Qatar. Methods: Data from 300 diabetic patients were collected through face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire between February and May 2015 at Hamad Medical Corporation healthcare facilities in Qatar. Survey responses were represented as frequencies, and Chi-square tests were used to compare proportions across gender. A p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 31% of patients had Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (females 36.6%, males 26.5%) and 54% had Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) (males 56.6%, females 50%). Knowledge about diabetes types did not differ by sex (P=0.16). 32.3% of patients were treated for diabetes-related complications including: high cholesterol (39.2%), vision problems (33.1%), hypertension (30.0%), and foot problems (25.1 %). Most patients were diagnosed at primary care clinics (41.7%). During visits, 78.3% of patients reported that they were fully advised about different diabetes tests. 57.0% of patients had ≥4 visits for diabetes checkups in the past 12 months. 66.7% of patients reported that they were confident or very confident in managing their diabetes as a result of their healthcare visits in the past year. The majority of patients reported receiving diabetes-related guidance from physicians (89.7%). Conclusions: Study participants had variable knowledge of diabetes, its complications and risk factors, and services available to diabetics. More comprehensive education and awareness about diabetes is recommended for both patients and family members. At the provider level, further improvement in patient counseling and promotion of available services can be beneficial.
