Metals (Oct 2021)
Wear Behaviour of N Ion Implanted Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed by Selective Laser Melting
Selective laser melting (SLM) is a laser-based powder bed fusion additive manufacturing technique extensively used in industry. One of the most commonly used alloys in SLM process is Ti-6Al-4V. However, its tribological properties when coated with N ion implantation is not well understood. In the ion implantation process used in this study, N2+ and N+ are accelerated to the energy of 60 keV and implanted to a fluence of 6 × 1017−2. The effect of N ion implanted layer in terms of hardness values and how this implanted layer may affect wear process and wear rate is investigated in this paper. Sliding wear tests were conducted on SLM and conventionally processed samples implanted with N ions, followed by examining the wear tracks and coefficient of friction in order to explain the wear rate data obtained. The results showed that N+ implantation increased hardness within the depth of ~200 nm and reduced wear rate in SLM samples, while N2+ was not beneficial.