Ciência Rural (Oct 2018)
Myolipoma associated with hyperadrenocorticism and diabetes mellitus in a female poodle
ABSTRACT: This report provides an unpublished account of an intra-abdominal myolipoma in a 11-year-old female Poodle with hyperadrenocorticism and diabetes mellitus. The patient was well controlled for both endocrine diseases; however, was suffering for severe abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound scan revealed a huge abdominal mass. At necropsy a pinkish mass (35cm x 28cm x 12cm) of elastic consistency attached to the broad ligament of the left uterine horn was reported. Histologically, this mass was constituted of a mixed population of well-differentiated adipocytes and of spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells. Both tumor cells were positive for vimentin at immunohistochemistry, while the spindle-shaped cells were positive for desmin and actin, compatible with smooth muscle cells. Immunohistochemistry was crucial for myolipoma characterization.