Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica (Jun 2018)
Educare oggi: passione, necessità o impresa impossibile?
This contribution offers a reflection on the crucial question: is it now – in such a complex, variegated and ever-changing world and socio-cultural reality – still possible to educate others and oneself?Starting from an analysis of the educative phenomenon and of the concept of “education”, the attention is drawn upon the possibility of establishing a fruitful pedagogic relationship and a real educative communication between diverse generations (parents and offspring; teachers and students).A possible promising way is foreseen by recognizing us all as part of the same “community of planetary destiny”, allowing us to work out in a dialogic and participative manner (according to a psycho-socio-constructivist approach) a new socio-cultural planning, able to trespass the “sad passions” of the present to embrace a vivifying passional and eroticized view of educative action engaged in the process of human growth. All this in sight of the activation of an across-the-board “educative community”, able to tackle the current “institutional crisis” through the co-constructive synergic contribution of the logical-formal and nomothetic scientific thought, and respectively the narrative and ideographic one of the arts and humanities (transcending the dualism between these “two cultures”), in order to concretize and realize – all together – a passionate (neo)humanism.