Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи (Dec 2019)
The features of the formation of a portfolio of projects following the energy-saving strategy of metallurgical enterprises are considered. As a result of the analysis of the energy-saving program structure at the metallurgical enterprises, it was found the problems that are solved by the energy-saving projects are inefficient consumption (significant losses) of energy resources (gas, thermal energy, electricity), control over the costs formation and the results of improvements in energy consumption. The overall goal of improving energy efficiency at the enterprise is realized through the management of an energy-saving project portfolio, which is aimed at fulfilling the following tasks: optimization of energy balance; minimization of natural gas consumption; optimization of energy efficiency, etc. Success criteria for an energy-saving project include efficiency; operating costs, losses, etc. It should be noted that it is difficult to objectively estimate the share of each energy resource in the total flow, to determine the energy intensity of individual production, departments, and the whole enterprise, etc. We propose the concept of managing a portfolio of energy-saving projects, which is based on several interconnected adaptive systems: planning and building, monitoring and change management. To establish priority problems, a necessary and complete analysis of the economic trends formation, to characterize the process of formulating the fuel-energy balance of metallurgical enterprise. A system model for the formation of a portfolio of energy-saving projects of a metallurgical enterprise is presented. We describe a mathematical model of project selection is described, which comprehensively takes into account the current state of the enterprise and its future strategic areas of work, resource and financial support for projects and risks. The use of this model allows a consistent analysis of portfolio projects to identify the possibility of their implementation at a metallurgical enterprise, coordinate project implementation plans and plans of the enterprise at different levels of planning, select the most promising projects for implementation following a defined energy strategy.