Conocimientos sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes embarazadas
This work has as purpose to identify the level of knowledge about signs and symptoms that presents a patient with HIV/AIDS, in pregnant adolescents of 14 – 19 years old, this study was conducted in with population attending seven Health Centers of Public Institution and three units of family medicine social security. The instrument was applied “Survey for Pregnant”, elaborated based on the objectives and population chosen, and validated with KR20 of Richardson 0.95 reliability. The work was supported in quantitative methodology with descriptive statistics. The observed results were, 50(35.5%) with average knowledge with secondary education, 40(28.3%) with midlle and 4(2.8%) presented low knowledge with primary and secondary and the high level was absent. In relation to knowledge of signs and symptoms, only 58.44% correctly identified.