Modern Management Review (Mar 2017)



Journal volume & issue
Vol. XXII, no. 2


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In order to operate an organisation successfully, using the potential of its employees is of vital importance in economy with increasing role of human capital. Moreover, managers have to be aware of the fact that most of the teams they work with are diversified in terms of their generation. In such a context, it is important to managers to be aware of the said fact and possess relevant knowledge on competences, strengths of certain generations, their expectations and values as well as to know how to use them to create a well-thought and efficient motivation scheme to retain talented employees and to keep high efficiency of employees. Therefore, the managers face a challenge to combine objectives, expectations and value systems of diverse generations of employees as well as to use the differences resulting from such diversity, to use their potential as determinants in increasing work efficiency and strengthening organisation. The main objective of this paper is to assess potential of employees from different generations and show the opportunities to be used by managers. The main objective is reflected in the structure of this paper. It describes the issue of generation diversity in the contemporary labour market, expectations and competences of the generations prevailing in the labour market and attention is paid to the opportunities for using potential of employees from various generations. This paper is based on the relevant literature, reports and secondary data.
