JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) (Oct 2023)
Characteristic Min-Polynomial and Eigen Problem of a Matrix over Min-Plus Algebra
Let R_ε=R∪{-∞}, with R being a set of all real numbers. The algebraic structure (R_ε,⊕,⊗) is called max-plus algebra. The task of finding the eigenvalue and eigenvector is called the eigenproblem. There are several methods developed to solve the eigenproblem of A∈R_ε^(n×n), one of them is by using the characteristic max-polynomial. There is another algebraic structure that is isomorphic with max-plus algebra, namely min-plus algebra. Min-plus algebra is a set of R_(ε^' )=R∪{+∞} that uses minimum (⊕^' ) and addition (⊗) operations. The eigenproblem in min-plus algebra is to determine λ∈R_(ε^' ) and v∈R_(ε^')^n such that A⊗v=λ⊗v. In this paper, we provide a method for determining the characteristic min-polynomial and solving the eigenproblem by using the characteristic min-polynomial. We show that the characteristic min-polynomial of A∈R_(ε^')^(n×n) is the permanent of I⊗x⊕^' A, the smallest corner of χ_A (x) is the principal eigenvalue (λ(A)), and the columns of A_λ^+ with zero diagonal elements are eigenvectors corresponding to the principal eigenvalue.