Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) ()

The effectiveness of Sandplay Therapy in children who are victims of maltreatment with internalizing and externalizing behavior problems

  • Reinalda Melo da MATTA,
  • Denise Gimenez RAMOS



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Abstract This study aims to investigate the effect of Sandplay Therapy on the treatment of children who are victims of mistreatment with internalizing and/or externalizing behavioral problems. Method: The Child Behavior Check List instrument was applied to all children between 6 years 6 months and 10 years 11 months from 24 institutions. All of them presented clinical and/or borderline levels of behavior concern. The institutions where the children would compose a control group, those where they would receive Sandplay Therapy treatment (experimental group), and those where they would receive Placebo treatment were determined by drawing lot. The same instrument was applied after the treatments, or 20 weeks; in the experimental group, a test was applied after six months. The results show that the children in the experimental group showed significant improvements. These changes remained six months after the end of therapy and were verified by analyzing Sandplay scenarios.
