AIP Advances (Aug 2021)

Impurity charge compensation in graphene by a polarized ferroelectric polymer and its effect on charge transport near the Dirac point

  • Kelotchi S. Figueroa,
  • Natalya A. Zimbovskaya,
  • Nicholas J. Pinto,
  • Chengyu Wen,
  • A. T. Charlie Johnson

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 8
pp. 085015 – 085015-9


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Charge transport near the Dirac point (DP) was investigated in graphene using ferroelectric (FE) gating in the temperature range of 300 < T < 350 K. We observed that the conductivity (σ) near the DP had a positive temperature gradient that switched to a negative temperature gradient with increasing temperature. The switch to a negative temperature gradient shifted to higher temperatures and gradually weakened upon moving away from the DP. Impurity charge compensation via polarization of the FE together with a temperature-dependent graphene–impurity charge separation was proposed as being responsible for the non-monotonicity in σ(T). A self-consistent theory for graphene transport with impurity charge scattering and phonon scattering was used to analyze the results. Non-monotonic charge transport was also observed in the temperature dependence of the residual conductivity (σr). Theoretical analysis of both σ and σr revealed a temperature independent contribution of ∼1.16e2h that is probably inherent to pristine graphene.