Hazara Islamicus (Jun 2016)
ما اختلف فی السند بابدال الراوی فی صحیح ابن خزیمة کتاب الصلوة
One of the most significant works in liadith literature is Sahib Ibn Khuzaimah authored by Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Khuzaimah. This book falls third in importance after Sahib Bukaari and Sahib Muslim. In this book, the author mentions authentic narrations of the Prophet (PBUH). After each authentic narration, Imam Ibn Khuzaimah states its other Turuq or chains of narrators. Afterwards, /mom Ibn Khuzaimah indicates the defected chains out of the mentioned authentic narration. This research article aims to study those Turuq or chains of narrators in which Imam Ibn Khuzaimah mentions the difference amongst kladith scholars regarding the name of a particular narrator.