Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Dec 1995)
Histoplasmosis in the Muñiz Hospital of Buenos Aires Histoplasmose no Hospital Muñiz de Buenos Aires
Some epidemiological and immunological characteristics and the methodology of diagnosis of 44 cases of histoplasmosis (HP); 36 (27 males and 9 women) associated with AIDS (HP+AIDS) and 8 (7 males and 1 female) with other predisposing factors (HP+non AIDS), diagnosed in the Muñiz Hospital (MH) during 1994, were retrospectively studied. The median age (MA) of HP+AIDS patients was 28 years; 25.5 (22-40) in the women and 28.5 (20-42) in the men and 50 (22-58) years in the HP+non AIDS patients. The more frequent risk factors for HIV infection were intravenous drug addiction (55%) and homo/bisexuality (19%). The MA of these groups were 28 (20-39) and 41 (26-42) years, respectively. Tobaccoism was a predisposing factor in 83% of HP+non AIDS patients. The muco-cutaneous lesions scraping and blood-cultures established the initial diagnosis in 53% and 36% of HP+AIDS patients, respectively and the muco-cutaneous lesions biopsies in 75% of HP+non AIDS cases. At time of diagnosis, all HP+AIDS patients had 200 CD4 + lymphocytes/µl. Seventy two per cent of HP+AIDS patients were born in Buenos Aires (Bs As) city and 62% of HP+non AIDS patients were born in provinces of Argentina other than Bs As. At moment of diagnosis, 87.5% of HP+AIDS and 62.5% of HP+non AIDS patients lived in Bs As city and Bs As outskirts.Foram estudadas, retrospectivamente, algumas características epidemiológicas e imunológicas e a metodologia de diagnóstico de 44 casos de histoplasmose (HP); 36 (27 homens e 9 mulheres) associados com AIDS (HP+AIDS) e 8 (7 homens e 1 mulher) com outros fatores predisponentes (HP, sem AIDS), diagnosticados no Hospital Muñiz (MH) durante 1994. A idade média (MA) de pacientes com HP + AIDS foi 28 anos; 25,5 (22-40) nas mulheres e 28,5 (20-42) nos homens e 50 anos (22-58) nos pacientes HP, sem AIDS. Os fatores de risco mais frequentes para infecção pelo HIV foram uso de drogas intravenosas (55%) e homo/bissexualidade (19%). A MA destes grupos foi de 28 anos (20-39) e 41 anos (26-42), respectivamente. Tabagismo foi fator predisponente em 83% dos pacientes HP, sem AIDS. A raspagem das lesões mucocutâneas e as culturas de sangue estabeleceram o diagnóstico inicial em 53% e 36% dos pacientes HP + AIDS, respectivamente e as biopsias de lesões mucocutâneas em 75% dos casos HP, sem AIDS. No momento do diagnóstico, todos os pacientes HP + AIDS tinham menos de 200 linfócitos CD4+/µl enquanto que os pacientes HP, sem AIDS tinham mais de 200. Setenta e dois por cento dos pacientes HP + AIDS nasceram na cidade de Buenos Aires e 62% dos pacientes HP, sem AIDS nasceram em outras províncias da Argentina. No momento do diagnóstico 87,5% dos pacientes HP + AIDS e 62,5% dos pacientes HP, sem AIDS moravam na cidade de Buenos Aires e subúrbios.