IET Renewable Power Generation (Oct 2021)
Numerical calculation and model experiment of a novel external buoy type wave energy converter for navigation lighted buoys numerical study of a novel wave energy converter
Abstract A novel external buoy type wave energy device with hydraulic conversion system used for navigation lighted buoys, named floating external double buoys wave energy device, is put forward and investigated by numerical calculations and model experiments. The hydrodynamic performance of the device under regular waves is numerically calculated based on linear potential flow theory and boundary element method. The generalized modal method is used to solve the hydrodynamic problems of multi‐buoy with hinged constraints. The model experiments are carried out in a 2D wave tank with a depth of 0.9 m. The wave height is set to 1/40 of the wavelength. The influence of wave period and damping loads on the hydrodynamic performance of the device is tested. The results of numerical calculations and model experiments have shown that the appropriate selection of hydraulic damping coefficient is of great significance to improve the capture width ratio of the device, and this device has good capture performance in a certain wave range, and it is expected to effectively solve the problem of continuous power supply for middle and small types of navigation lighted buoys.