Potestas. Estudios del Mundo Clásico e Historia del Arte (Dec 2018)

El matrimonio real: sus representaciones en la miniatura hispana del siglo xii

  • Soledad de Silva y Verástegui

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13
pp. 5 – 43


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Most miniature representations of marriage in twelfth cen-tury Hispania depict kings and their spouses, and they appear almost exclusively in chartularies. Two of them are of particular interest: The Libro de los Testamentos, in the Oviedo cathedral, created on the ini-tiative of Bishop Pelayo (circa 1120), and the Liber Feudorum Maior, a work produced under the auspices of king Alfonso ii de Aragón at the end of the same century. This study analyses several factors that moti-vated the inclusion of royals in these portraits. It also examines their sources of inspiration, rich typology, and subsequent impact.
