Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa (May 2021)
Valences identitaires de la charge variétale dans la traduction
IDENTITY VALENCES OF VARIETAL LOAD IN TRANSLATION The transfer of information related to a language variety in translation creates serious problems because of the lack of an equivalent of a term specific to the language variety in the two languages, the incongruence of registers, or because elements specific to a language variety represent a symbol of identity. The aim of this article is to examine the solutions proposed by translators in order to solve the difficulties of transferring diatopic (Provençal) elements from the source language (French) to the target language (Romanian). The diatopic elements are the language varieties closest to the civilization elements given their high degree of socio-cultural specificity. They lie at the fluid border between the designation of a common referent through a regional (or local) linguistic term and the lexical term which designates a referent specific to a certain region.