Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal (Sep 2010)
Book Review : Social and Environmental Accounting
This edited 4 volume set comprises a selection of published papers in the field of social and environmentalaccounting, and is the latest series of books to emerge from the Centre for Social and EnvironmentalAccounting Research (CSEAR) at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. The editors are: Rob Gray,Professor of Social and Environment Accounting and Director of CSEAR; Jan Bebbington, Professor ofAccounting and Sustainable Development and Director of the St Andrews Sustainability Institute; and SueGray, Research Fellow and Administrator of CSEAR. The books trace 40 years of development of social andenvironmental accounting (SEA) through the reproduction of 80 key articles across the four volumes. Thepublication coincides with concerns and reporting challenges driven largely by the increase in size andinfluence of the corporate entity and global capitalism (Gray, Bebbington & Gray 2010). The editorsintertwine two strands of thought: the need for corporations to expand the scope of responsibility andaccountability relationships; and the consideration of sustainability in the face of environmental uncertainty.Social and environmental accounting; SEA; Book reviewsThis journal