BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
The main directions of improving the activities of agricultural educational organizations
In modern socio-economic conditions there is a need to improve the quality of higher agricultural education and improve the activities of educational organizations. There is a need to improve the qualification of teaching staff, to introduce innovative technologies in the educational process, to apply modern organizational and communicative forms of education of students in order to achieve pedagogical goals, to provide the educational process with a sufficient number of premises adapted for educational activities, including inclusive education. In the course of the study the activity of the organization providing services in the field of higher agricultural education was evaluated. To assess the quality of education the accreditation monitoring indicators characterizing personnel, material and technical, socio-cultural support of the educational process were used. The article found that the quality of education of the studied organization meets the requirements set by the standards. At the same time, certain shortcomings in research activities were identified and recommendations for their elimination were developed.