Revista Cubana de Endocrinología (Aug 2011)

Respuesta sexual en mujeres de edad mediana trabajadoras de la salud Sexual response in mean age health workers women

  • Yaquelín González Ricardo,
  • Taira Maceo Coello,
  • Daysi Antonia Navarro Despaigne,
  • Emma Domínguez Alonso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 2
pp. 133 – 143


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Introducción: la incorporación al trabajo insertado y el escenario laboral son factores sociales implicados en la función sexual de la mujer en etapa reproductiva, sin embargo, sus significados no están bien establecidos en la mujer en etapa de climaterio. Objetivo: identificar algunos aspectos relativos a la respuesta sexual en mujeres de edad mediana que laboran en centros de salud de Ciudad de la Habana. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal que consistió en entrevistar a las 59 mujeres de edad mediana que respondieron a la convocatoria de participar en el estudio, todas trabajadoras de 2 centros asistenciales del sector salud del municipio San Miguel del Padrón, en Ciudad de La Habana, y todas con edades entre 38 y 59 años y con pareja sexual estable. Se empleó una encuesta autoadministrada para explorar aspectos sociodemográficos, y cambios en la respuesta sexual (deseo, excitación y orgasmo) en los últimos 6 meses. Como variables a controlar se utilizaron: la edad actual, la etapa de climaterio, las características de las relaciones de pareja y la sobrecarga de género. Se emplearon estadígrafos descriptivos y ANOVA para establecer diferencias entre grupos (valor de pIntroduction: to be incorporated into work and the working environment are social factors involved in sexual function of woman in reproductive stage, however, its meanings are not well established in the woman in climateric stage. Objective: our objective was to identify some features related to sexual response in mean age women working in health centers of Ciudad de La Habana. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to interview 59 mean age women participant in such study working in two assistance centers of health sector from the San Miguel del Padrón municipality in Ciudad de La Habana aged between 38 and 59 and with a stable sexual partner. A self-administered opinion poll was used to explore the sociodemographic features and the changes in sexual response (desire, excitation and orgasm) during the past months. The variables to be controlled were: present age, climateric stage, features of partner relationships and genre overload. Descriptive stadigraphs were used and ANOVA to establish differences among groups (value of p < 0,05 for statistical significance). Results: most of polled persons expressed no change in sexual response features. Decrease of any of the sexual response phases was related to the partner relationships features, with a older age of woman and to the menopause stage, results similar to other reports made in women with similar sociodemographic features no workers of health sector. Influence of genre overload over sexual response was not identified. Conclusions: features related to sexual response identified in the mean age women group were similar to those of other national and international reports. It is not confirmed that the working scenario selected had influence (negative or positive) on the sexual response of study women.
