Health Technology Assessment (Aug 2024)

Automated devices for identifying peripheral arterial disease in people with leg ulceration: an evidence synthesis and cost-effectiveness analysis

  • Dwayne Boyers,
  • Moira Cruickshank,
  • Lorna Aucott,
  • Charlotte Kennedy,
  • Paul Manson,
  • Paul Bachoo,
  • Miriam Brazzelli

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Vol. 28, no. 37


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Abstract Background Peripheral artery disease is a common condition caused by narrowing/blockage of the arteries, resulting in reduced blood supply. Peripheral artery disease is associated with an increased risk of vascular complications, but early treatment reduces mortality and morbidity. Leg ulcers are long-lasting wounds, usually treated by compression therapy. Compression therapy is not suitable for people with peripheral artery disease, as it can affect the arterial blood supply. In clinical practice, people with peripheral artery disease are identified by measurement of the ankle–brachial pressure index using a sphygmomanometer and manual Doppler device. However, this method can be uncomfortable for people with leg ulcers and automated devices have been proposed as a more acceptable alternative. The objective of this appraisal was to summarise the clinical and cost-effectiveness evidence on the use of automated devices to detect peripheral artery disease in people with leg ulcers. Methods Clinical effectiveness To identify reports of relevant studies, we searched major electronic databases and scrutinised the information supplied by the manufacturers of the automated devices under investigation. Due to the lack of evidence on people with leg ulcers, we considered evidence from studies of any design assessing automated devices versus an acceptable reference device in any population receiving ankle–brachial pressure index assessment. We summarised information on diagnostic accuracy of the automated devices and level of agreement with the reference device. For each device, when data permit, we pooled data across studies by conducting random-effects meta-analyses using a Hierarchical Summary Receiving Operating Characteristics model. Cost-effectiveness An economic model comprising a decision tree (24 weeks) and Markov models to capture lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life-years associated with venous, arterial and mixed aetiology disease in leg ulcer patients. Analyses were conducted from a United Kingdom National Health Service and Personal Social Services perspective. Costs and quality-adjusted life-years were discounted at 3.5% per year. Deterministic and several probabilistic analyses were used to capture uncertainty surrounding a range of optimistic and pessimistic assumptions about the impact of automated tests on health outcomes (ulcer healing and requirement for invasive management of arterial disease). Results Clinical effectiveness From the 116 records retrieved by the electronic searches, we included 24 studies evaluating five devices (BlueDop Vascular Expert, BOSO ABI-System 100, Dopplex Ability, MESI ankle–brachial pressure index MD and WatchBP Office ABI). Two studies assessing people with leg ulcers found that automated devices often gave higher ankle–brachial pressure index readings than manual Doppler (underestimation of arterial disease). In the 22 studies involving people without leg ulcers, automated devices generally demonstrated good specificity and moderate specificity. Meta-analysis of 12 studies showed a pooled sensitivity of 64% (95% confidence interval 57% to 71%) and a pooled specificity of 96% (95% confidence interval 92% to 98%) for detection of peripheral artery disease. Cost-effectiveness Automated devices cost less than manual Doppler to deliver. However, increased risks of invasive treatment requirements for inappropriately compressed arterial/mixed ulcers due to false-negative results, and increased healing times due to delayed compression of false-positive test results mean that in most scenarios manual Doppler was less costly and had slightly higher quality-adjusted life-years than automated devices. Results are highly uncertain, dependent on many assumptions and should be interpreted cautiously. Limitations and conclusions The limited evidence identified for each automated device, especially in people with leg ulcers, and its clinical heterogeneity precludes any firm conclusions on the diagnostic performance and cost-effectiveness of these devices in clinical practice. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42022327588. Funding This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Synthesis programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR135478) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 37. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information. Plain language summary Leg ulcers are long-lasting wounds mostly caused by problems in blood flow in the veins, which are treated by applying bandages or stockings to create a ‘compression’ effect. However, compression should not be used in people with a condition called peripheral artery disease. To identify people with peripheral artery disease who should not receive compression therapy, health professionals perform a test called ‘ankle–brachial pressure index’, which involves taking blood pressure of the arms and ankles using a device called ‘Doppler ultrasound’. The procedure is time-consuming and people with leg ulcers often find it uncomfortable. Automated devices have been proposed as a more acceptable option for assessing leg ulcers. However, we need to know whether these devices produce reliable results and represent good value for money for the National Health Service. We found 24 clinical studies that assessed 5 automated devices to measure ankle–brachial pressure index. The type of patients and clinical setting varied between studies. Two studies assessed people with leg ulcers and showed that the automated devices tended to give higher readings than standard Doppler and, therefore, may underestimate the presence of peripheral artery disease. Results of the 22 studies assessing people without leg ulcers showed that the automated devices could correctly identify people who did not have peripheral artery disease but were less precise in identifying people with peripheral artery disease. However, there was not enough evidence to confirm if these devices are reliable enough to be used in clinical practice. Compared to manual Doppler, the automated devices were less costly to deliver in clinical practice but had increased costs due to potentially inaccurate results. Our evaluation required many assumptions about how the devices would be used in practice, and there were no data on their impact on patient outcomes. Results are highly uncertain and should be interpreted cautiously. Given current evidence, it is unlikely that automated tests are a convenient option for the National Health Service. Scientific summary Background Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a highly prevalent atherosclerotic condition characterised by the narrowing of the peripheral arteries resulting in restriction of blood supply to the affected limb. Although PAD is frequently asymptomatic, it can cause complications that can range from intermittent claudication (pain on walking which is relieved by rest) to critical limb ischaemia. Up to one-quarter of people with symptomatic PAD may require intervention, and amputation may be necessary if it is left untreated. Leg ulcers are defined as wounds that occur below the knee and either on or above the ankle (malleolus). Compression treatment (bandages or stockings) is recommended to treat venous leg ulcers, and there is a robust evidence base to support its effectiveness. However, compression therapy should be avoided in people with leg wounds and symptoms of arterial insufficiency, as compression may cause damage by impairing the arterial supply to the ulcerated leg. To improve PAD diagnosis and decide the most suitable treatment, people with leg ulcers are assessed using ankle–brachial pressure index (ABPI) measurements. ABPI is usually measured using a sphygmomanometer and manual Doppler device, which requires expertise from the relevant operator/healthcare professional. The procedure can be protracted and unpleasant for those with leg ulcers. Automated devices may be advantageous in reducing the length of time taken to assess ABPI and, thereby, any associated discomfort for the patient. In addition, automated devices may potentially be more accurate than manual processes in detecting PAD, thus conferring additional benefits such as reduced time to treatment and improved outcomes for people with leg ulcers. Objectives The specific objectives of this assessment were to: Determine the diagnostic performance and clinical utility of automated devices available in United Kingdom (UK) clinical practice [BlueDop Vascular Expert (BlueDop Medical), boso ABI-system 100 (BOSCH + SOHN), WatchBP Office ABI (Microlife), WatchBP Office Vascular (Microlife)], MESI ABPI MD (MESI), MESI mTABLET ABI (MESI), Dopplex Ability Automatic ABI System (Huntleigh Healthcare) for assessing the presence of PAD in people with leg ulcers. Develop an economic model to assess the cost-effectiveness of the automated devices available in UK clinical practice for assessing the presence of PAD in people with leg ulcers. Methods Clinical effectiveness Comprehensive electronic searches of databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library Web of Science and CINAHL were conducted to identify relevant reports of published studies. Evidence was considered from studies of any design assessing the relevant automated devices versus standard clinical assessment using a manual Doppler device. Initially, the population of interest was people with leg ulcers requiring measurement of ABPI, but, due to the dearth of available evidence, it was broadened to any population receiving ABPI measurement. Data on the diagnostic performance of the automated devices including data on the level of agreement between ABPI readings from automated devices and those from the reference device were extracted from the included studies. Information on the use of the devices in clinical practice was also recorded. Risk of bias was assessed using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies – version 2 (QUADAS-2), QUADAS-C and the Review Body for Interventional Procedures (ReBIP) checklists, according to the type of study design. For each device, when sufficient data were available, we conducted random-effects meta-analyses using a Hierarchical Summary Receiving Operating Characteristic (HSROC) model. A two-stage, de novo decision analysis model was developed to assess cost-effectiveness. The first part was a decision tree model, which used a linked-evidence approach to capture the impact of test diagnostic accuracy on expected costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) for the first 24 weeks following test use. This included delayed venous ulcer healing due to false-positive (FP) test results (indicating PAD when the ulcer was venous) and increased risk of requiring invasive arterial treatment for inappropriately compressed arterial/mixed ulcers following a false-negative (FN) test result (indicating venous when underlying disease was arterial/mixed). It was assumed that any inaccurate tests would be identified within the 24-week time horizon of the decision tree. The surviving proportion of the cohort then entered arterial, mixed or venous ulcer Markov models depending on their true underlying disease classification. The venous disease model included five mutually exclusive health states, centred around ulcer healing (healed index ulcer, unhealed index ulcer, recurrence, healed post recurrence and death). The arterial and mixed disease models included four health states, focusing on the long-term outcomes of the arterial component of disease [critical limb ischaemia (CLI), healed post CLI, amputation and death]. The decision to structure the mixed Markov model similarly to the arterial-only model was based on discussion with clinical experts who explained that, in clinical practice, the arterial component of disease is likely to take priority in the patient’s care pathway. Costs were based on National Health Service and Personal Social Service perspective costs (2021 values) and included: micro-costing of the automated and manual Doppler devices costs of applying compression for the unhealed duration of a venous ulcer costs of referral to vascular services for test-positive patients, including the additional costs of unnecessary referral for patients with a FP test result costs of treating arterial disease, including endovascular and bypass procedures as well as follow-up nursing care long-term follow-up costs in the Markov model included the cost of managing recurrent venous ulcers, recurrent CLI and long-term health and social care costs of amputation. Health state utility values were obtained from the literature and were based on EuroQol-5 Dimensions data, valued using the UK value set where possible. Utilities were combined with mortality estimates for each health state to calculate QALYs. In the decision tree, utilities were dependent on the duration of ulcer healing time for venous ulcers, and whether patients had CLI for those with arterial/mixed disease. All utilities were adjusted for UK age- and sex-specific general population norms, allowing the cohort to experience reduced utility as they aged over subsequent model cycles. Expected costs and QALYs were accumulated over a lifetime horizon, in 6-monthly cycles and an annual discount rate of 3.5% per annum was applied to future costs and QALYs. Probabilistic analyses (Monte Carlo simulation with 1000 draws for each parameter) were conducted for a range of pessimistic and optimistic alternative base-case scenarios. A full range of deterministic scenarios explored the impact of alternative sources of model inputs and assumptions on cost-effectiveness results. Results Nature, description and quality of the available evidence The database searches identified 110 unique records, 79 records were supplied by the respective companies and 2 further studies were identified from reference lists. Twenty-four studies, published in 26 papers, were included in the systematic review of clinical effectiveness. Two studies enrolled specifically people with leg ulcers (167 participants in total) while the remaining studies (4258 participants in total) included people from primary care practices, cardiovascular risk services, vascular services and from epidemiological/general population-based studies. All studies used an ABPI threshold of 0.9. In healthy people, ABPI would be expected to be > 0.9. Most of the studies assessed the performance of a single automated device with only one study comparing two devices (WatchBP and MESI ABPI MD). Regarding the type of automated devices, two studies provided data on the BlueDop Vascular Expert device, four studies on the BOSO ABI-System 100, six studies on the Dopplex Ability, eight studies on the MESI ABPI MD and five studies on the WatchBP Office. No studies assessed the performance of the WatchBP Office Vascular and the MESI mTABLET ABI devices. Apart from one study conducted in New Zealand, all included studies were conducted in Europe (six in the UK). The risk of bias of included studies was assessed using the QUADAS-2 tool. Most studies were judged at low risk for the index test domain and at unclear risk for the patient selection, reference standard and flow and timing domains. The risk of applicability concerns was low in most studies. Summary of benefits and risks The two studies assessing people with leg ulcers did not provide sensitivity and specificity estimates but reported that automated devices gave generally higher readings than manual Doppler. The results of the 22 studies assessing people without leg ulcers varied. Seventeen studies reported sensitivity and specificity estimates for the detection of PAD and showed that the automated devices had good sensitivity but only moderate sensitivity indicating that a proportion of people with PAD would be missed. Sensitivity of BlueDop Vascular Expert ranged from 66% to 95% and specificity from 90% to 94% in two studies; sensitivity of the BOSO ABI-System 100 ranged from 61% to 77% and specificity from 94% to 98% in three studies; sensitivity of Dopplex Ability_ranged from 20% to 79% and specificity from 86% to 96% in four studies; sensitivity of the MESI ABPI MD ranged from 57% to 75% and specificity from 67% to 99% in five studies; sensitivity of the WatchBP Office ABI ranged from 44% to 83% and specificity from 97% to 100% in four studies; We were able to combine results across 12 studies (2004 participants in total) and 3 automated devices. The pooled sensitivity and specificity for PAD diagnosis using automated ABPI were 64% [95% confidence interval (CI) 57% to 71%] and 96% (95% CI 92% to 98%), respectively. Regarding the performance of individual devices, the pooled sensitivity for MESI ABPI MD was 67% (95% CI 59% to 74%) and the pooled specificity 94% (95% CI 83% to 98%); the pooled sensitivity for WatchBP Office ABI was 53% (95% CI 37% to 69%) and the pooled specificity 98% (95% CI 96% to 99%). For the remaining devices, we could not conduct meaningful meta-analyses due to the limited number of available studies. Summary of cost-effectiveness, including sensitivity analyses The uncertainties in the diagnostic accuracy evidence base and the unclear link between test results and patient management mean it is difficult to draw any firm conclusions on cost-effectiveness. A lack of evidence on the impact of the tests on important patient outcomes, the extent to which inaccurate test results would be identified in practice and the implications of acting on inaccurate test results contribute further uncertainty to the assessment of cost-effectiveness. Automated tests were less costly to deliver due to shorter testing times, but in most modelling scenarios, these cost savings were quickly offset by any additional risks and costs associated with withholding compression (FP) or inappropriately applying compression (FN). Given the current evidence base, it is unlikely that the automated tests would generate QALY gains or cost savings, unless a high proportion of FP and FN tests could be reliably identified in clinical practice through holistic patient assessment, and automated tests could deliver improvements in patient referral over manual Doppler testing. Discussion Strengths, limitations of the analyses and uncertainties The methods used to conduct this assessment were detailed, thorough and in line with current methodological standards. We identified only two studies assessing the performance of automated devices in determining ABPI in people with leg ulcers. Given the current lack of evidence in people with leg ulcers, we decided to widen our target population to include studies assessing the use of automated devices for measuring ABPI in different settings. We identified and summarised 22 studies focusing on people without leg ulcers. The main limitations of the clinical effectiveness assessment are summarised below. Lack of evidence on people with leg ulcers to draw any meaningful conclusion about this clinical population. Considerable clinical heterogeneity – in terms of characteristics of the patient population, setting and testing procedures – across studies that focused on people without leg ulcers. Suboptimal agreement between readings of the automated devices and those of the manual Doppler with a systematic tendency towards higher automated readings. Use of manual Doppler as the reference standard for detection of PAD. Variation in the prevalence of PAD across studies. Limited data on the performance of the automated devices in relevant subgroups of patients (e.g. diabetes patients). Uncertainty about the optimal threshold for automated ABPI measurement. Uncertainty about the potential role of automated devices in clinical practice (screening tool, alternative/adjuvant tool to current manual Doppler). Lack of data on the impact of the routine use of automated devices on health outcomes (e.g. the consequences of a delayed diagnosis because of FN results). No data on the WatchBP Office Vascular and MESI mTABLET ABI devices. With regard to the economic modelling, we identified the following areas of uncertainties that complement those identified for the review of clinical effectiveness evidence and raise doubt about the robustness of the cost-effectiveness results: A lack of data regarding the impact of different tests on patient-relevant outcomes such as ulcer healing. It is unclear whether automated tests could achieve tangible benefits in terms of a reduced time to compression therapy in patients with venous disease. Any benefits would rely on a lack of skills to complete manual Doppler assessment in the community, and it is unclear how widespread such a skill shortage might be. Uncertainty around whether inaccurate test results might be identified during clinical evaluation of patients during a testing appointment, and thus the extent to which inaccurate results would be acted upon in clinical practice [i.e. if tests would lead to inappropriate compression of arterial ulcers (FNs), or delayed time to compression (FPs)]. Limited data regarding the costs and outcomes specifically for mixed ulcer disease. Generalisability of the findings It is unclear how the results of studies assessing the accuracy of automated devices for measuring APBI in people without leg ulcers could be generalised to people with leg ulcers. Conclusions Future research is needed to evaluate the use of automated devices within specific populations (people with leg ulcers) and relevant settings. For the broader use of automated devices in clinical practice, more robust evidence is required to establish whether the use of automated devices is appropriate and cost-effective for the general screening of clinical populations with any vascular concerns. In addition, evidence is needed to support the use of automated devices as an alternative or adjunct to manual Doppler in people with symptoms of PAD. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42022327588. Funding This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Synthesis programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR135478) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 37. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.