Bìznes Inform (May 2020)
Analyzing the Need for Professional Reorientation of Adults in Ukraine
The article raises the actual problem of re-choice of profession in adulthood. The emphasis is placed on the importance of developing the career adaptation skills in a dynamic professional environment and the importance of ensuring a continuous process of professional self-determination at different stages of labor potential development. The turbulence and dynamism of the modern labor market necessitates a constant improvement in the level of one’s own qualification, to develop not only professional skills, but also career competence, which includes: ability to manage one’s own professional life; to maneuver quickly and efficiently in the labor market; to make efficient and quick decisions about the career trajectories; to adapt to changes in the professional sphere; to diagnose career problems; to be able to use the self-coaching techniques; to define one’s own educational orientations, and to have a well-formed professional «self-concept». The focus is on the normality of the phenomenon of changing profession in adulthood, which is not necessarily due to an ill-fated primary professional orientation. The article highlights a complex set of problems that necessitate taking decisions on change of the professional trajectory. The economic, social and personal factors of professional re-orientation in the ever-changing labor market conditions are substantiated. Differences in professional re-orientation and unemployment of managers are defined. The key statistical information on determining the need of the adult population of Ukraine in professional re-orientation is analyzed. The directions for ensuring the efficiency of providing appropriate qualified professional reorientation assistance are identified. A model of career coaching in the analysis of the need for professional re-orientation in adulthood is proposed, based on three levels: individual, corporate and national.