Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2019)
Early Modern Foundations of Political Communication (Practical Dimension)
The paper is about the earliest examples of theoretical reflection on the concept of political communication and its practical applying which in early modern period. The paper examines views of Italian well-known statesman Brunetto Latini (the XIIIst century). It is proved, that in spite of he didn’t use the concept of political communication as such, Latini was one of the first political thinkers who was aware of political communication importance for state power bearers and elaborated practical manual called to help one to achieve power and to execute it in the best possible way using political communication. According to Latini, political communication is closely linked with rhetoric and is the instrument of state administration. Latini’s oevres prove that he was a firm supporter of democratic way of government. His convictions were rooted in social and political realm of Italian city communes, so he developed his view on political communication bearing in mind democratic institutions, calling a ruler to take into account characteristics and customs of certain community and current circumstances as well. Latini’s way of thinking allows to recognize him as political idealist and it makes him differ from Macchiavelli, though some unexpected correlations between two thinkers’ views could be traced.