Journal of Communication Pedagogy (Apr 2019)

Hearing Is Believing: Using Audio Feedback in the Online Interpersonal Communication Course

  • Krista Hoffmann-Longtin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2
pp. 96 – 102


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The introduction to interpersonal communication course (IPC) is popular for both communication majors and nonmajors alike, and as such, many departments have designed online versions of the course. Teaching IPC in this format has challenges, given its dual emphasis on theoretical understanding and skill-building. This reflection essay explores the efficacy of providing audio feedback on essays in the online IPC course, as a way to create a positive online presence, manage the grading load, and encourage students to implement the feedback. The rationale for this approach to feedback and implementation strategies are provided, as well as a discussion of outcomes from the intervention. A review of course data and perceptions indicated gains in student application of course material and satisfaction with the audio feedback mechanism.
