Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Mar 2018)
The method of the mean efficiency of the complex use military and non-military power and facilities in system of the provision to Ukraine’s military security
It is considered method to evaluate efficiency of the complex use military and non-military power and facilities in system of the provision to military security state, which enables to value the quality of the management decisions comparatively variant of attraction military and non-military power and facilities to reluctance threat to military security state on criterion relative "spare" resource. The variants of attraction military and non-military power and facilities are chosen so as formed these powers integrated potential reluctances to revealed threat provided shaping necessary counter act shift, which quantitative importance is valued by means of advanced method of the analysis hierarchy and built on its base of the models M7. When shaping the integrated potential of the reluctance priority is given невоенным action, in the first place political and information, in the event of their insufficiency military. Besides, method allows forecasting efficiency asymmetric and other power or hybrid action, which can be offered for eliminating or de-escalation of the revealed threats, as well as motivate the necessary facility for achievement given level to counter action of the revealed threat.