Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Sep 2004)

台灣「北區技專校院校際合作聯盟」圖書館資源共享之研究 A Study on Library Resources Sharing NATCU in Taiwan

  • Wei-hwa Chen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. 1
pp. 103 – 125


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「北區技專校院校際合作聯盟NATCU」於民國91年8月6日在台北技大學舉行締約儀式,由來自台灣北區包含台北、宜蘭、花蓮、新竹及桃園共37所技專校院的校長聯合簽立了承諾書,正式結盟。台灣技專校院在教學研究資源上遠不如綜合大學,有效整合北區技專圖書館資源提供師生共享,將可做為技專校院邁入高等教育之列的策略。當下圖書館聯盟儼然成為世界趨勢。研究結果發現整體性的策略規劃與團體內所有成員的共同努力,獲得教育部經費的補助是該聯盟發展上很重要的第一步,領導階層的勇氣、魄力與決心也是重要關鍵。文末歸納幾點建箴提供大家參考。Northern Alliance of Technical Colleges and Universities (NATCU) is a collaborative consortium in the northern region of Taiwan. The ceremony was inaugurated on August 6, 2002 at Taipei Science and Technical University. The cooperative agreement signed by 37 Presidents of the members including the regions of Taipei, Yi-Lan, Hualian, Shin-chu and Tau-yuan. Most technical colleges and universities in Taiwan have far less resources in teaching and research than those of the general universities. To share library resources of the members effectively, it can be a strategy to provide greater resources for their faculty and students, while still being on the rank of higher education. Library Resources sharing is the trend of the world. The fundamental steps of the library consortium are to have an encompassing strategic plan, to have financial aid, and for all the members to participate fully and to the best of their ability. Another important factor in the success of the consortium is strong and decisive leader. Several remarks are inductive at the end in the hope that will have some helps for the NATCU.
