Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (Mar 2018)

Microstructure and texture evolution in LZ91 magnesium alloy during cold rolling

  • Wen-hui Liu,
  • Xiao Liu,
  • Chang-ping Tang,
  • Wei Yao,
  • Yang Xiao,
  • Xu-he Liu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 77 – 82


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LZ91 magnesium alloy extruded sheets were subjected to cold rolling. The microstructure and texture evolution were tracked using optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The α-Mg and β-Li phases were elongated along rolling direction (RD), contributing to the formation of a thin lamellar “sandwich” structure. This “sandwich” structure is favored for glissile dislocation of α-Mg phase during rolling. The α-Mg and β-Li phases are near Burgers orientation relationship, resulting in an unusual RD texture component in (0002) pole figure. Keywords: LZ91, Microstructure, Texture, Burgers orientation relationship